Work connecting China and Japan Work connecting China and Japan Work connecting China and Japan
Connecting the differences found in cultures that appear alike but differ in nature

Deng Yu
Vice President, NDC China/Producer
Born in Harbin, China in 1974. After graduating with a major in Graphic Design from the China Central Fine Arts University (now Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University) in 1997, Deng studied abroad at Tokyo University of the Arts. Joined Nippon Design Center in 2004. He was involved in the establishment of NDC China in 2012, where he is currently vice president. Deng is involved in cultural exchanges between Japan and China, including design.
Hello, my name is Deng Yu. I am vice president at NDC China. NDC China was established in 2012, and we celebrated our 5th anniversary this year (in 2017). Including myself, NDC China started with just two members, but today that number has grown to eight. I am vice president of NDC China, meaning I handle managing various internal affairs. I am also in charge of producer-type work connecting creatives and clients.
I initially joined NDC as a designer. As a member of the Sasaki Design Strategy Institute , I was involved in the packaging project for the Asahi Super Dry slim bottle under Creative Director Yutaka Sasaki. It took lots of time and hard work going from the first rough draft to the final design. I can still distinctly remember the emotions I felt seeing the design in stores. This is one of the most memorable projects I have worked on since joining NDC.
Distance-wise, Japan and China are close to each other, so their cultures are also similar. In terms of design, while there are many similarities, there are also many areas that in fact differ between the two countries. Explaining and showcasing these clearly to clients is something we at NDC China believe is an important job for us.
If I were to give what I think is best part of Chinese culture, I would say it is tolerance. And even within China, Beijing is a vibrant city whose residents show a remarkable degree of tolerance. In recent years, the development of high-rise buildings and transportation means Beijing has undergone dramatic changes. Being in Beijing, I feel energy from the city every day. And Beijing has a good mix of the past and present. Coming to Beijing, a visitor can witness both modern China and the China of old. I hope everyone working in Japan will come and experience Beijing.
NDC China employs designers and producers. Because design is culture, I would like to deepen cultural exchanges between Japan and China through a broader understanding of design.