
Safety Engineering Construction Method for Enhancing Earthquake Resistance Quakeproof Structure, SE Structure

NCN's Safety Engineering (SE) construction method is a device for enhancing earthquake resistance by driving ironware into pillars and beams. The primary visual is comprised of X-ray photographs of the parts that are hidden in the finished house, specifically to help visualize the earthquake-resistant construction.

1. Visualizing VI System

The thin geometric lines of the body of the logo remind us of SE’s resilient ironware. The sound logo and motion logo were developed through sampling the “kang, kang, kang, kang” of metal being driven into wood.

2. Advertising: Beauty and Durability Advertising

The more familiar a landscape, the more we dearly want to protect it. This poster for a campaign promoting earthquake-resistant housing expresses that prayer-like feeling. On the other hand, with another campaign poster, showing a heavy wooden framed house, we hoped to express, with just a few pillars, the expanse of space in a wooden house, as well as demonstrate the earthquake-proofing structure with X-ray photos.
VI System
AD: Kenya Hara
D: Kenya Hara, Sohei Takimi CG: Sohei Takimi
Yuki Saito(SE construction method)
Kenichi Hashimoto(Heavy wooden framed house)
AD: Kenya Hara
D: Kenya Hara, Taichiro Takeo
P: Kentauros Yasunaga(Earthquake-resistant housing),
Takuya Watanabe(Heavy wooden framed house)
C: Ken Isome