無印良品 いい夏の素 プロモーション
無印良品 いい夏の素 プロモーション

Jun 28, 2023

夏に役立つアイテムを一挙に紹介する 店頭プロモーションの各種ツールを、 原デザイン研究所が制作しました。 涼感機能のある衣類や、風をとおす道具、 日差しをさえぎるアイテム、冷たい食べ物など。 暑い季節を快適にする商品群を「いい夏の素」とくくり、 各カテゴリーごとに涼やかなイラストと 短いフレーズで統一感を持って訴求しています。 イラストは、同時期に展開している 夏の機能性インナー「さらっと綿」のビジュアルと トーンを合わせ、店頭に一貫した夏の世界観を醸成。 多種多様な商品の輪郭をひとつひとつ突き詰めながら 見る人が何だろう、と探してみたくなるような 最小限のグラデーションで描いています。...
無印良品 さらっと綿 プロモーション

Jun 15, 2023

触れて冷たい綿素材を使用した、 夏の機能性インナー「さらっと綿」。 その告知ビジュアル・動画を制作しました。 天然素材ならではの自然な涼しさを想起させるべく、 さらりとしたテクスチャをのせた水色の背景に 白色のグラデーション表現でインナーを描写。 冬に展開していた「あったか綿」との一貫性を持たせながら、 「さらっと綿」への衣替えを訴求しています。 また、SNS、Web用のムービーも展開。 横に配された2枚のタンクトップが、 風にたなびく雲ように心地よく揺らぎます。...
壁画『Make the Future Better Than Today』
壁画『Make the Future Better Than Today』

Jun 02, 2023

ポーランドのポズナン国立美術館によって設立された 「ヤン・レニツァ賞」の受賞を記念し開催されている 個展『Make the Future Better Than Today』の 告知ビジュアルが、壁画としてポズナン市街に現れました。 スプレーを使用し、告知ポスターを再現した壁画は Dabrowskiego StreetとKoscielna Streetが 交差する角に位置しています。 下記リンクより制作の様子をご覧いただけます。 https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1970029383341958 展覧会情報 Make the Future Better Than Today 会期|2023年3月24日ー7月30日 会場|ポズナン国立美術館(Aleje Marcinkowskiego 9, 61-745 Poznan) Web|https://mnp.art.pl/en ...
ナカシマプロペラ エントランスデザイン
ナカシマプロペラ エントランスデザイン

May 23, 2023

Design for the entrance to Nakashima Propeller’s new office building

We designed the entrance for the new office building of marine propeller manufacturer Nakashima Propeller Co., Ltd.

The two blades from a giant propeller that stand in the entrance were made using 3D printing, which has the potential to become the main method for propeller manufacturing. Installing full-sized propeller blades demonstrates their precise curved structure in a straightforward way.

The functional nature of the propeller's beauty is clearly conveyed on the wall, using commentary and a diagram to explain formulas and technology utilized in propeller manufacture.

AD: Kenya Hara
Architect: Takumi Muraoka
D: Hiroyuki Sato, Yuina Suzuki
Ph: Takashi Sekiguchi*
Pr: Yoshifumi Nabeta
Cl: Nakashima Propeller Co.,Ltd
* Outsourced

GINZA SIX 6th Anniversary
GINZA SIX 6th Anniversary

May 02, 2023

GINZA SIX 6th Anniversary

We created the graphics for the sales campaign for the sixth anniversary of the opening of GINZA SIX.

Colorful, intertwining lines form the number six in artwork created by Kengo Kito exhibited near the first-floor entrance.

GSIX 6th Anniversary
April 1 - May 7, 2023

AD: Kenya Hara
D: Kenya Hara, Tomoko Nishi, Hana Yazaki
Ph: Riko Okaniwa
Pr: Haru Matsunaga
Cl: GINZA SIX Retail Management Co., Ltd.

SIMOSE オリジナルグッズ開発
SIMOSE オリジナルグッズ開発

Apr 21, 2023

SIMOSE merchandise product development

We have created original merchandise, focusing on the charm and appeal of the art museum, villas, and restaurant as seen from different perspectives.

They are items that allow people to add understated color to their daily lives following their visit to the museum, such as distinctive objets called Gallé fragments which reproduce the glass technique of the craftsman Émile Gallé, whose works account for one of the art museum's main collections, crayons inspired by the coastal and forest landscape viewed from the villas, and slices of the paper tubes used as building material in the interiors of the villas.

All of the merchandise is sold at the art museum shop, where the fixtures are also designed in a distinctive way so as to fit in within the architectural space. When visiting SIMOSE, make a point of checking out the shop, as well.

AD: Kenya Hara
D: Hana Yazaki
C: Karen Asai

下瀬美術館 開館記念展「おひなさまと近代美術」
下瀬美術館 開館記念展「おひなさまと近代美術」

Apr 21, 2023

Simose Art Museum’s opening exhibition Hina Dolls and Modern Art

The Simose Art Museum in SIMOSE opened on March 1, 2023. Hara Design Institute handled the design of the main visuals and various tools as well as the overall curation of exhibits and production of exhibit captions for the opening exhibition Hina Dolls and Modern Art, which unveils the museum's collection.

Placing a hina doll, the gem of the exhibited works, front and center, with the art museum's entrance hall and its giant tree-like pillars with branches extending outwards in the background, the visuals announcing the opening conveyed the unique experience that can be had at the Simose Art Museum, where visitors can view traditional kogei craftworks within the contemporary architecture.

AD: Kenya Hara
D: Kenya Hara, Kaoru Matsuno, Hana Yazaki, Megumi Ohno, Wataru Sato, Weizheng Liu
C: Karen Asai
Ph: Takashi Sekiguchi*
Pr: Jieun Kim
* Outsourced

SIMOSE サイン計画
SIMOSE サイン計画

Apr 21, 2023

SIMOSE signage

We produced all the signs that guide and direct visitors at the multipurpose complex SIMOSE. Our "ant signs," black circles from which extend long, thin legs, clearly organize and inform, conveying different information keyed to the level at which the circle is positioned, while blending into the landscape as if they were part of nature. They create a sense of anticipation as you wander around the spacious grounds.

If you visit the facilities, please take note of the signage.

AD: Kenya Hara
D: Kenya Hara, Tomomi Kitamura, Hana Yazaki, Weizheng Liu


Apr 21, 2023

Total concept for SIMOSE

A complex called SIMOSE, incorporating an art museum, villas, and a restaurant, has been created in Otake City, Hiroshima Prefecture, on the coast looking out onto Miyajima Island on the opposite side of the channel. Beginning with the creation of the concept for the entire complex, Hara Design Institute handled all tools used in creating brand identity, including visual identity, graphics, fixtures and equipment, restaurant menu, and website. Shigeru Ban designed all of the architecture for the complex.

SIMOSE allows you to spend time that is pleasant and serene, enjoying being in a space like no other in the world that blends in with surrounding nature, walking around while appreciating paintings and kogei craftwork, staying in contact with nature, and savoring the joys of the local area. Come and experience it for yourself.

AD: Kenya Hara
D: Kenya Hara, Kaoru Matsuno, Hana Yazaki, Megumi Ohno, Asaki Hoshino,
Weizheng Liu, Tomomi Kitamura, Dai Yongqiang, Wataru Sato
C: Karen Asai
Web: Xin Zhong, Hiroshi Hosokawa
Ph: Takashi Sekiguchi*
Pr: Yoshifumi Nabeta, Jieun Kim
* Outsourced

伊勢市ECポータルサイト「ISE ONE」
伊勢市ECポータルサイト「ISE ONE」

Apr 17, 2023

ISE ONE—Ise City’s online shopping portal

ISE ONE is a website providing a map of Ise City in Mie Prefecture that users can use to find shops that also offer online shopping. Hara Design Institute handled everything from project proposals to providing functional design and UI design.

Items on sale range from delicious food like famous confections and local cuisine and specialties to products rooted in the local culture and customs, such as votive objects for Shinto home shrines, pearls, and traditional craftwork. Over one hundred stores have been classified by category and indicated on a map using pictograms, making it clear where each type of store is located.

When accessed from within the city, the website uses the user's location to provide information about nearby stores and tourist spots. The website creates opportunities for discovering and experiencing appealing aspects of Ise that are not well known, either locally or from the comfort of your own home.

The site can be browsed using the following link.
Website: https://www.ise-one.jp/

AD: Kenya Hara
D: Xin Zhong, Hiroshi Hosokawa, Yuina Suzuki, Muying Sun
C: Karen Asai
P: Rui Hosokawa, Shimei Nakatogawa*
Web: version zero dot nine*
Pr: Satoshi Muraki, Haru Matsunaga
Cl: Ise City, Ise City Tourism Association
* Outsourced