
便捷的智能手机 3 Raku Raku Smart Phone3

User friendly and beautiful: that's the way we describe the concept for these three versions of the "Raku Raku Smart Phone3". These beautiful new models came to be through a unification of the outer packaging with a user interface design solution and understandable, simple, and easy to use operability. It's the perfect gift for any parent.

1. 人手迅速适应的外观形状 Product Design

The Raku Raku Phone’s shape has carried on to the Raku Raku Smart Phone3, fitting comfortably into the palm of the hand. For this series, we’ve used three popular colors with individual textures optimal for each: a fingerprint-hiding matte black, a deep shiny red suggesting a luxury beauty product, and a lustrous, deep, mica white. In this new user interface, to stress the sleekness of the body, we used the same color all over. By shedding the multi-color approach, and thus emphasizing the color of the alert lamp, we’ve created a user interface that’s concise and easy to understand.

2. 方便查看,数据重新编辑,UI设计 UI Design

We achieved clear visibility with this UI by making the buttons larger and heightening the contrast of the letters and icons as compared to previous products. In addition, the new UI allows for nine speed dial buttons, six more than in the previous version. The larger popup balloons for text input also enhance this functional, aesthetically pleasing interface.
Product Design
AD: Kenya Hara
D: Kenya Hara, Hiroyuki Saito, Hiroaki Kawanami, Taichiro Takeo
PR: Yoshifumi Nabeta