AD:Kenya Hara
D:Kenya Hara,Kaoru Matsuno
Project Conception:Makoto Orisaki,Kenya Hara+Hara Design Institute,NDC
Production coodinator:Hara Design Institution+Takeo Co.,Ltd
PH:un inc./Hiromasa Gamo,Kaoru Kaneko,Akihiro Ito Amana Inc./Takahashi Sekiguchi,Motoki Nihei,Munetaka Onuki,Kazuo Matsuura

FILINGーChaotic Management      Bilingual

This is the catalog of the 2004 Takeo Paper Show. While the subject of the exhibition was physical filing, the goal was not order for the sake of neatness, but chaos management. The book was edited and designed from the same viewpoint. This was put into practice through a right hand-page index, photos arranged in a grid and rational editing for bilingual textual information. We also displayed enlarged pages from the book at the show.